Database Management System
(Tx-Cloud DBMS)

Tx-Cloud DBMS Manage, collaborate, interact with your data without writing a single line of code.

Real-time data at your fingertips

With the help of Technonix DBMS you can Run Big Data analytics in a fraction of a second, alongside high-speed transactions, by eliminating predefined aggregates, materialized views, and data duplication.

Better Performance

Gain insights for improving your decision-making to compete by using Technonix DBMS.

Fast Querying

Tx cloud DBMS allows you to achieve faster, more efficient, and credible database queries.

Logging and Auditing.

When logged in to Tx cloud DBMS that enables DBAs to track the use of database resources and authority.

Scalability and Availability

Technonix DBMS Handle a huge volume of workload or expand in response to an increased demand for database access.

Optimized Storage

Data-optimization capabilities help you to manage data growth, maximizing utilization of resources while reducing management complexity.

Data Security.

Technonix Cloud DBMS Minimize risk, protect sensitive data. Protect and secure your data from illegitimate use and malicious threats and attacks with our product.

Deliver trusted data in real time, anywhere

Bring the power of Technonix Cloud DBMS to the cloud to increase elasticity, availability, and resilience, while leveraging serverless principles and simplifying administration.

Enhance in-the-moment decision-making everywhere

Take advantage of a high-performance SQL database server to elevate the performance of your transaction-based applications, no matter where they reside.

Cloud-based archives

By using Technonix(Tx) DBMS, Never worry about losing data anymore as all the data is getting stored securely on the cloud.

Support of multiple data types and languages

Choose from NoSQL, pureXML, Graph and JSON. Build in Java, .Net, Ruby, Python, Perl, and more.

High performance

With the use of Technonix DBMS Gain enhanced performance with in-memory technology, storage optimization, and workload management.

Fast to deploy

Get Technonix(Tx) DBMS up and running on your laptop within minutes, and start building applications quickly with a full-featured database.

Advanced protection

Benefit from built-in native encryption with enterprise key management.

Easily Connect To Analytics Platforms

Extend the value of your data by integrating your Adabas data to a multitude of business intelligence, big data, and artificial intelligence platforms. Combine business data, such as customer records, and IT operations data, such as database logs, with other data sources to optimize your analytical results.

Tx-Cloud DBMS is Fully Managed

You no longer need to worry about database management tasks such as hardware provisioning, software patching, setup, configuration, or backups. Tx-Cloud DBMS automatically and continuously monitors and backs up your database, enabling granular point-in-time recovery.

Why Tx-Cloud DBMS?

Choose the best database deployment model. Understand the differences between various database deployment models so that you can choose the best option for your business. In that way Tx-Cloud DBMS will be your choice always.

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Tx-Cloud DBMS gives you the amazing software and also smarten your security. Manage your database in a hybrid environment without sacrificing performance, security.

One year of Basic Support is free of cost for all the Apps.